Introduction - 30 minutes
We will watch the video below and discuss basic outdoor survival skills.
Introduction - 30 minutes
We will watch the video below and discuss basic outdoor survival skills.
Welcome to General Survival Skills. This week, we are working on tying knots and learning about the 10 essentials gear. We will be working together as a team for the next 10 weeks. What skills can you provide to the class? Do you cook, fish, or have another survival skill? Share it with the class! Each week we will have a theme to focus on. The goal is to practice during the week, then on Thursday, we go out an apply those skills.
Knot Tying - 60 minutes
First, we'll watch the video above. Then, I will show you some examples of know tying. We will practice knot tying together and learn where they are practical. Outdoor Life has the list and basic examples. Feel free to use Youtube if you need to watch and practice more. You will have to memorize 5 knots of your choice by Wednesday and show this on Flipgrid. If you know a knot NOT listed below, please let me know if you want to use that specific knot for the assignment.
First, we'll watch the video above. Then, I will show you some examples of know tying. We will practice knot tying together and learn where they are practical. Outdoor Life has the list and basic examples. Feel free to use Youtube if you need to watch and practice more. You will have to memorize 5 knots of your choice by Wednesday and show this on Flipgrid. If you know a knot NOT listed below, please let me know if you want to use that specific knot for the assignment.
- Square Knot
- Clove Hitch
- The Bowline
- The Figure Eight
- The Sheet Bend
- Two Half Hitches
- Taut Line Hitch
- Fisherman's Knot
- Water Knot
- Rolling Hitch
- Prusik Knot
- Timber Hitch
- Blood Knot
- [Person] Harness
- Carrick Bend
- Trucker's Hitch
- Barrel Hitch
- Sheepshank
- Tripod Lashing
- Square Lashing
10 Essentials Introduction - 20 minutes
We will watch the video above to see what 10 essentials are. There are many different lists out there that describe what the "10 essentials" mean. Here is a list from REI that has the basics and explains what each are.
What do you have? Bring what you have from the 10 essentials list to class by Wednesday. DO NOT BRING KNIFE OR FIRE DEVICE! Anything that you don't have, we'll make a mock-up of those items our of paper.
Upload a picture of your 10 essentials to Google Classroom.
Navigation, Headlamp, Sun Protection, First Aid, PAPER Knife, PAPER Fire, Shelter, Food, Water, Extra Clothes.
10 Essentials Introduction - 20 minutes
We will watch the video above to see what 10 essentials are. There are many different lists out there that describe what the "10 essentials" mean. Here is a list from REI that has the basics and explains what each are.
What do you have? Bring what you have from the 10 essentials list to class by Wednesday. DO NOT BRING KNIFE OR FIRE DEVICE! Anything that you don't have, we'll make a mock-up of those items our of paper.
Upload a picture of your 10 essentials to Google Classroom.
Navigation, Headlamp, Sun Protection, First Aid, PAPER Knife, PAPER Fire, Shelter, Food, Water, Extra Clothes.
Knot Tying Practice - 30 minutes
We will continue to practice knot tying. When you are ready, record your Flipgrid.
We will continue to practice knot tying. When you are ready, record your Flipgrid.
Alone - 30 minutes
Can you survive alone in the backcountry? We will watch "Alone", a survival TV show on the History Channel to see the basic items each individual brought to survive. Keep practicing your knot tying.
Can you survive alone in the backcountry? We will watch "Alone", a survival TV show on the History Channel to see the basic items each individual brought to survive. Keep practicing your knot tying.
Permission Slips DUE TODAY!
Dream List - 40 minutes
If you could have ANY 10 essentials gear, what would you get? Research all 10 essentials gear. Create a Google Slides - include a picture of the item, WEIGHT in grams, name, price, and where to buy it on Google Slides. Your final slide should include your total weight and cost of all your items. Record a Flipgrid of your presentation.
Permission Slips DUE TODAY!
Dream List - 40 minutes
If you could have ANY 10 essentials gear, what would you get? Research all 10 essentials gear. Create a Google Slides - include a picture of the item, WEIGHT in grams, name, price, and where to buy it on Google Slides. Your final slide should include your total weight and cost of all your items. Record a Flipgrid of your presentation.
- Introduction/Title
- Navigation - include a picture of the item, WEIGHT in grams, name, price, and where to buy it
- Headlamp - include a picture of the item, WEIGHT in grams, name, price, and where to buy it
- Sun protection - include a picture of the item, WEIGHT in grams, name, price, and where to buy it
- First Aid - include a picture of the item, WEIGHT in grams, name, price, and where to buy it
- Knife - include a picture of the item, WEIGHT in grams, name, price, and where to buy it
- Fire - include a picture of the item, WEIGHT in grams, name, price, and where to buy it
- Shelter - include a picture of the item, WEIGHT in grams, name, price, and where to buy it
- Food - include a picture of the item, WEIGHT in grams, name, price, and where to buy it
- Water - include a picture of the item, WEIGHT in grams, name, price, and where to buy it
- Clothes - include a picture of the item, WEIGHT in grams, name, price, and where to buy it
- Total weight & cost of all your items
Uploading Essentials - 10 minutes
Take your 10 essentials pictures today and upload to classroom.
Can You Survive? - 20 minutes
We will look at some videos of survivors who made it throught the elements. Let's discuss!
Need to Finish?
Catch up on any assignments that you missed this week.
Take your 10 essentials pictures today and upload to classroom.
Can You Survive? - 20 minutes
We will look at some videos of survivors who made it throught the elements. Let's discuss!
Need to Finish?
Catch up on any assignments that you missed this week.
Field Trip - 100 minutes
We will be going to Two Pines Supply in Granby, Colorado. Your permission slip must be turned in by Wednesday 4:15pm. Our class will be walking down to main street during your designated class period. DRESS ACCORDINGLY for weather. There is no inclement weather plan. While we are there, Chris will be talking about the different 10 essentials with pros/cons about each different type. You will also go on a selfie scavenger hunt at 2 Pines. Turn in your 10 pictures into classroom.
Didn't bring a permission slip? Absent? Late to class and missed the boat? - Survival Research - 100 minutes
Use the internet to research a "survivor" or multiple survivors. You'll write a 500 word report on this individual or groups. Times New Roman, size 12 font, double-spaced. Upload your Google Doc to Classroom.
Field Trip - 100 minutes
We will be going to Two Pines Supply in Granby, Colorado. Your permission slip must be turned in by Wednesday 4:15pm. Our class will be walking down to main street during your designated class period. DRESS ACCORDINGLY for weather. There is no inclement weather plan. While we are there, Chris will be talking about the different 10 essentials with pros/cons about each different type. You will also go on a selfie scavenger hunt at 2 Pines. Turn in your 10 pictures into classroom.
Didn't bring a permission slip? Absent? Late to class and missed the boat? - Survival Research - 100 minutes
Use the internet to research a "survivor" or multiple survivors. You'll write a 500 word report on this individual or groups. Times New Roman, size 12 font, double-spaced. Upload your Google Doc to Classroom.
5 feet rope for each student
Knot books
10 essentials gear
5 feet rope for each student
Knot books
10 essentials gear