Hike Photos
20 points - 2 points each
Turn in your 10 photos from hike to Classroom.
Junior Ranger Book
40 points
Turn in your ranger book to teacher.
Teach Us Something Introduction - 15 minutes
You will create a 5 minute lesson on a topic we learned this quarter in this class OR if you have something you are an expert at with survival, teach us that skill.
Teach Us Something Planning - 60 minutes
Use this time to prepare your lesson. Are you going to make a Google Slide along with your presentation? You MUST have something to turn in tomorrow after you give your presentation.
Hike Photos
20 points - 2 points each
Turn in your 10 photos from hike to Classroom.
Junior Ranger Book
40 points
Turn in your ranger book to teacher.
Teach Us Something Introduction - 15 minutes
You will create a 5 minute lesson on a topic we learned this quarter in this class OR if you have something you are an expert at with survival, teach us that skill.
Teach Us Something Planning - 60 minutes
Use this time to prepare your lesson. Are you going to make a Google Slide along with your presentation? You MUST have something to turn in tomorrow after you give your presentation.
Teach Us Something Presentation - 100 minutes
25 points - 5 points each minute
We will listen and learn to the presentations.
25 points - 5 points each minute
We will listen and learn to the presentations.
Reflection - 100 minutes
15 points - .03 points per word (excluding title, name, etc.)
You will write a 500 word reflection on your favorite things you learned in this class.
Reflection - 100 minutes
15 points - .03 points per word (excluding title, name, etc.)
You will write a 500 word reflection on your favorite things you learned in this class.