Selling & Customer Service
Why is customer service important in selling?
SE:017 Explain the nature and scope of the selling function?
(CS) LAP-SE-117 (pp. 4-28—4-30)
a. Define the term selling.
b. Identify individuals, groups, or agencies that sell.
c. Explain reasons that customers buy goods and services.
d. Identify types of items that are sold.
e. Explain where selling occurs.
f. Describe how products are sold.
g. Describe the role of selling in a market economy.
h. Explain personal characteristics of salespeople that are essential to selling.
Why is customer service important in selling?
SE:017 Explain the nature and scope of the selling function?
(CS) LAP-SE-117 (pp. 4-28—4-30)
a. Define the term selling.
b. Identify individuals, groups, or agencies that sell.
c. Explain reasons that customers buy goods and services.
d. Identify types of items that are sold.
e. Explain where selling occurs.
f. Describe how products are sold.
g. Describe the role of selling in a market economy.
h. Explain personal characteristics of salespeople that are essential to selling.
Videos - 20 minutes
We'll watch the videos together and discuss about "What is Selling?"
We'll watch the videos together and discuss about "What is Selling?"
Activity Interview - 20 minutes
Each student should interview their partner and make a 1 minute Flipgrid about "how selling affects economic decision making in society".
Each student should interview their partner and make a 1 minute Flipgrid about "how selling affects economic decision making in society".
Why is customer service important in selling?
SE:076 Explain the role of customer service as a component of selling relationships
(CS) LAP-SE-130 (pp. 4-31—4-32)
a. Distinguish between customer service as a process and customer service as a function.
b. Describe how businesses can use customer service to beat their competition.
c. Discuss factors that influence customer expectations of customer service.
d. Explain how customer service facilitates sales relationships.
e. Identify pre-sales opportunities for providing customer service that can facilitate sales relationships.
f. Identify post-sales opportunities when customer service can be provided to facilitate sales relationships.
g. Discuss actions a salesperson can take to make the most of her/his customer service activities.
Videos - 10 minutes
We'll watch the videos below then have a discussion on customer service importance.
SE:076 Explain the role of customer service as a component of selling relationships
(CS) LAP-SE-130 (pp. 4-31—4-32)
a. Distinguish between customer service as a process and customer service as a function.
b. Describe how businesses can use customer service to beat their competition.
c. Discuss factors that influence customer expectations of customer service.
d. Explain how customer service facilitates sales relationships.
e. Identify pre-sales opportunities for providing customer service that can facilitate sales relationships.
f. Identify post-sales opportunities when customer service can be provided to facilitate sales relationships.
g. Discuss actions a salesperson can take to make the most of her/his customer service activities.
Videos - 10 minutes
We'll watch the videos below then have a discussion on customer service importance.
Activity Script - 20 minutes
Students should analyze the role of customer service in a business's sales training program to determine how the business emphasizes customer service as a component of selling. We will role play and act out different scenarios. Make a script with your partner. You will act out the scripts in class. Turn your script into Google Classroom as a doc.
Students should analyze the role of customer service in a business's sales training program to determine how the business emphasizes customer service as a component of selling. We will role play and act out different scenarios. Make a script with your partner. You will act out the scripts in class. Turn your script into Google Classroom as a doc.
Why is customer service important in selling?
CR:004 Demonstrate a customer-service mindset (CS)
LAP-CR-004 (pp. 4-33—4-34)
a. Identify beliefs held by employees who have a customer-service mindset.
b. Describe the importance of exhibiting a customer-service mindset.
c. Identify occasions when employees can exhibit a customer-service mindset.
d. Describe guidelines for exhibiting a customer-service mindset.
e. Demonstrate a customer-service mindset.
Activity - 20 minutes
Think about a business employee whom you have observed and identify that person’s efforts in exhibiting a customer-service mindset. Create a list of the five most unique ways that the employees exhibited a customer-service mindset. Be prepared to share and discuss.
Ethics Case for Students - 10 minutes
Tanisha works in customer service for a car leasing company. It is the company’s policy that any request to transport a leased vehicle on the water or outside the country must be formally reviewed. A military soldier has been given orders to leave the country within two days, and he is requesting permission to transport his car overseas. Two days are not enough time to process the paperwork, and transporting the vehicle without permission would be a breach of the car lease contract. What should Tanisha do? (Ethical Principles Involved: Trust, Fairness, Respect, Rule of Law)
Videos - 20 minutes
We'll watch the videos together then have a discussion about your experiences with customer servce.
Why is customer service important in selling?
CR:004 Demonstrate a customer-service mindset (CS)
LAP-CR-004 (pp. 4-33—4-34)
a. Identify beliefs held by employees who have a customer-service mindset.
b. Describe the importance of exhibiting a customer-service mindset.
c. Identify occasions when employees can exhibit a customer-service mindset.
d. Describe guidelines for exhibiting a customer-service mindset.
e. Demonstrate a customer-service mindset.
Activity - 20 minutes
Think about a business employee whom you have observed and identify that person’s efforts in exhibiting a customer-service mindset. Create a list of the five most unique ways that the employees exhibited a customer-service mindset. Be prepared to share and discuss.
Ethics Case for Students - 10 minutes
Tanisha works in customer service for a car leasing company. It is the company’s policy that any request to transport a leased vehicle on the water or outside the country must be formally reviewed. A military soldier has been given orders to leave the country within two days, and he is requesting permission to transport his car overseas. Two days are not enough time to process the paperwork, and transporting the vehicle without permission would be a breach of the car lease contract. What should Tanisha do? (Ethical Principles Involved: Trust, Fairness, Respect, Rule of Law)
Videos - 20 minutes
We'll watch the videos together then have a discussion about your experiences with customer servce.
Presentation - 30 minutes
You'll have 5 minutes to prepare, then we will have a round robin presentation.
You'll have 5 minutes to prepare, then we will have a round robin presentation.

psw-cr-004.pptx | |
File Size: | 3555 kb |
File Type: | pptx |
Reading - 10 minutes
Take some time and read the below PDF. We'll discuss the major points that stood out to you.
Reading - 10 minutes
Take some time and read the below PDF. We'll discuss the major points that stood out to you.

cr4_student.pdf | |
File Size: | 469 kb |
File Type: |
It Is It True? - 20 minutes
These activities are designed to reinforce individual student skill in demonstrating a customer service mindset. Check classroom for the Google Doc.
These activities are designed to reinforce individual student skill in demonstrating a customer service mindset. Check classroom for the Google Doc.
Find the Mindset - 20 minutes
Using the Google Doc in classroom - find at least three examples of advertising that emphasize a customer service mindset. You could use a magazine or newspaper ad, a television spot, a social media post, a photo of a billboard, a piece of direct mail, etc. If you cannot get a physical copy or photo of the advertisement, provide your instructor with a link to view it.
Using the Google Doc in classroom - find at least three examples of advertising that emphasize a customer service mindset. You could use a magazine or newspaper ad, a television spot, a social media post, a photo of a billboard, a piece of direct mail, etc. If you cannot get a physical copy or photo of the advertisement, provide your instructor with a link to view it.
Group Activities - 15 minutes
With your partner, choose a type of business or industry it’s interested in (e.g., bakery, bike shop, physical therapy center, etc.). Brainstorm for specific ways that employees in that industry can demonstrate a customer service mindset. Identify similarities and differences between their answers for different types of businesses. We will discuss.
With your partner, choose a type of business or industry it’s interested in (e.g., bakery, bike shop, physical therapy center, etc.). Brainstorm for specific ways that employees in that industry can demonstrate a customer service mindset. Identify similarities and differences between their answers for different types of businesses. We will discuss.
Put Your Mindset in Motion - 20 minutes
You will be divided into groups of 3 and will be participating in a role-playing activity. You will be rotating through the roles of employee, customer, and observer. See teacher for your roles and for the paper rating sheet.
You will be divided into groups of 3 and will be participating in a role-playing activity. You will be rotating through the roles of employee, customer, and observer. See teacher for your roles and for the paper rating sheet.
Learning Guide
Complete the learning guide in classroom if you want.
Assessment - 20 minutes
Take the assessment in classroom.
Complete the learning guide in classroom if you want.
Assessment - 20 minutes
Take the assessment in classroom.