Transformational Learning Project 5870-40
- Description (what): My project is a professional development training session specifically for Career and Technical Education (CTE) teachers. We recently had an VR Oculus headset on loan from our regional education center. I was able to take it home and test it out for the weekend. I tried out preloaded lessons that included construction safety and business/hospitality. The idea is how can I change their assumptions/perceptions on VR and transform how they can teach with VR in the classroom. I was excited about the VR and want a buy in from other CTE teachers and our administration.
- Goals/Competencies (why): Facilitate learning with the VR Oculus headset while selecting the appropriate CTE module for students.
- Context (where): In-person, classroom with tables
- Learner Audience (who): Career and Technical Education (CTE) teachers
- Equipment: individual laptops, projector with computer, 10 sets of VR Oculus headsets and controls, internet service, whiteboard w/markers
- # of participants: 20 (additional people add more time/equipment)
- Total time of course: 300 minutes/5 hours
Resource Links
Pre-Course Survey - 5 minutes
Introductions - 20 minutes
- Teacher SAY: Hi! Welcome to Virtual Reality in CTE. We're going to start the course with some quick introductions. Let's start with current course you're teaching and what your experience is with technology. On a scale of 1-10, how comfortable are you with technology? (Introduce yourself and model the answers.)
Remember Dial-Up? - 30 minutes
- Teacher SAY: Now, we'll go around the room and each person will discuss their first memory about that piece of technology. What was it, how did you use it, and how did it make you feel? I'll go first.
Virtual Reality - 30 minutes
- Teacher SAY: Print your image. We'll hang them up around the classroom. Next, you and your partner will present their images. We will have 10 minutes total for this section of the activity.
- Teacher SAY: Did any group have the same keywords as other groups? What were they? (3 minutes to discuss as a class.)
Break - 10 minutes
- Teacher SAY: We're going to take a break for 10 minutes. As you think of any questions, please use the Jamboard Link to place a post-it note on our session parking lot on page 2. You may use this time to also have discussions with other people.
Circle Time - 30 minutes
- Teacher SAY: Let's grab our chairs and get in a circle facing each other. During this activity, it's important we are all at the same eye level. Please be respectful and wait for your turn to talk meaning no cross-talk. We're going to answer the following questions.
- What are your assumptions about VR?
- How do you feel VR would work in the classroom?
- What are some challenges you see with using VR in Career and Technical Education (CTE)?
Role-Playing - 30 minutes
Break - 10 minutes
- Teacher SAY: We're going to take a break for 10 minutes. As you think of any questions, please use the Jamboard Link to place a post-it note on our session parking lot on page 2. You may use this time to also have discussions with other people.
VR Training Uses - 10 minutes
Sample video inside Oculus
Practice VR - 50 minutes
Break - 10 minutes
- Teacher SAY: We're going to take a break for 10 minutes. As you think of any questions, please use the Jamboard Link to place a post-it note on our session parking lot on page 2. You may use this time to also have discussions with other people.
Reflection - 10 minutes
Research Modules - 20 minutes
- Teacher SAY: Let's look at the Oculus website for modules geared towards education. I'll give you about 5 minutes to find any modules that you think would fit into your curriculum.
- Teacher SAY: What are some modules you can use and how would you use them? (Write words on whiteboard as students blurt out answers. Use a different color marker.)
Article - 15 minutes
Follow-Up & Support - 20 minutes
- Teacher SAY: We're going to finish up this session by sharing some grant options available in your area in order to purchase Oculus. What grants, if any, have you been successful.
- Teacher SAY: In a month, I'm going to send an email out to you all with a video conference link for a date/time follow-up session. During this time, think about some questions/challenges/successes you have had since the VR training.
- Teacher SAY: What are your questions?
End of Course Survey - 5 minutes